Monday, November 7, 2011

Creepy Weather

We have what is called haar.  Its a special type of fog only seen on the eastern coast of Scotland. Its creepy. Creepy like Jack the Ripper is hiding somewhere.  It also makes it cold. Very cold.

I was discussing the haar with someone in a student office and he told me to go walk out onto the pier.  This may sound like a version of the American phrase "take a long walk off a short bridge." However, a pier walk is a normal occurrence, and apparently this man thought it was adventurous to walk out there in the fog. Sounds like fun, if and only if, I was holding onto someone's arm.

I am going jogging on the beach tonight.  Talk about shocking the system.  Its cold; but I have gloves and a hat.

Here is the guy I stopped and talked to about the haar.  He seemed friendly. ;)


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